Guided tour + art workshop

The adventure

Guided tour of one of the most emblematic buildings of Catalan Modernist Heritage Site by UNESCO, and then experiment with art techniques we found.


  • To know the history and architectural heritage of the Palau de la Música Catalana.
  • Experiencing the various artistic techniques found in the building, such as stained glass and wrought iron.


Lluís Plaza, guided itinerary and educator
Gemma Canadell, pedagogical direction


Childhood education: I5
Primary Education: 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4

Dates: 2024 December 4; 2025 January 13, February 24, March 10 
Sessions: 10 and 11.45 h
Space: Concert Hall / Petit Palau
Price: 10 €
Capacity: 30 seats


Direct registration from september 4 at LaCultivadora






Visitem i experimentem el Palau