'Violin Concerto' by Mendelssohn
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'Violin Concerto' by Mendelssohn
Aftershow amb DJ Amable
Maria Florea, violin
Marta Mathéu, soprano
Elena Copons, soprano
Roger Padullés, tenor
Orfeó Català (Pablo Larraz, conductor; Montserrat Meneses, second conductor)
Orquestra Simfònica del Vallès
Xavier Puig, concductor
Fanny HENSEL Hero und Leander
Felix MENDELSSOHN Concert per a violí
Simfonia núm. 2, “Lobgesang” (coral)
II. Cor i soprano: Alles was Odem hat lobe den Herrn, meine Seele
III. Recitatiu i ària (tenor): Saget es, die ihr erlöst seid durch den Herrn
IV. Cor: Sagt es, die ihr erlöst seid vor dem Herrn
V. Duet (soprano I, II) i cor: Ich harrete des Herrn
VI. Tenor sol: Stricke des Todes hatten uns umfangen
VII. Cor: Die Nacht ist vergangen
VIII. Coral: Nun danket alle Gott
IX. Duet (soprano, tenor): Drum sing ich mit meinem Liede
X. Cor: Ihr Völker! bringet her dem Herrn Ehre und Macht
Romantic evening at the Palau de la Música Catalana with the Mendelssohn brothers! A must for all those passionate, enthusiastic and dreamers who want to live a unique symphonic experience. The night will start with the music story of the forbidden love myth of Hero and Leandre composed by Fanny, followed by Fèlix's violin concerto. A sweet violin that in crescendo to flow into a symphonic torrent. And to finish overflowing with fullness and emotions... the epic choral moment of the Lobgesang will give us goosebumps to give us one of those experiences that are difficult to forget. Simfònica del Vallès, Orfeó Català and the young violinist Maria Florea catapult us to a musical climax!
Aftershow with the collaboration of Festival Cruïlla with DJ Amable