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Twelve tracks in Bruckner

Lecture by Carlos Calderón


Bruckner's work is often compared to an immense cathedral: grandeur, complexity, mystery and mysticism. Carlos Calderón, Doctor in Humanities, proposes a conference in the form of an infinite viaduct (where it comes from and where it goes to) to traverse the vast musical territory of the composer in the 200 years since his birth.

Information and tickets

Dates and tickets

  • 22 October 2024
    19:00 h
    Petit Palau

Production information

Approximate:60 minutes (aprox)
Organized by:Fundació Orfeó Català-Palau de la Música

Ticket Office

C/ Palau de la Música, 4-6
08003 Barcelona
T. 932 957 207
[email protected]

Monday to Saturday: from 8.30 am to 9 pm.
Sunday and public holidays: from 8.30 am to 3.30 pm and 2 hours before the concert (for sale day).

Twelve tracks in Bruckner