Ton Koopman & Franz Schubert Filharmonia

Ton Koopman & Franz Schubert Filharmonia
'Violin Concertos' by Bach and 'Jupiter' by Mozart
Alexandra Soumm, violin
Franz Schubert Filharmonia
Ton Koopman, conductor
Orchestral Suite No. 3, BWV 1068
Concerto for violin and orchestra no. 2, BWV 1042
Concerto for violin and orchestra, in G minor, BWV 1056R
Symphony no. 41, KV 551, “Jupiter”
Musical treasures
Eminent conductor Ton Koopman leads the Franz Schubert Filharmonia in a programme of audience favourites. In the first half we welcome back violinist Alexandra Soumm, known for her sensitive interpretations of Bach.
In the second, Koopman will conduct the most imposing of Mozart’s symphonies, the “Jupiter”. A night of musical treasures from two of the world’s most talented artists.