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The Magic Flute by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Josep Miquel Mindàn - Jaume Villanueva


Concert with subtitles in Catalan.




Josep Miquel Mindàn, conductor
Jaume Villanueva, staging
Miquel Villalba, Pablo Morales, choir conductor
Orquestra de cambra Terrassa 48
Quim Térmens, concertino
Isa Moren, coreography

Òpera Popular de Barcelona,
stable company:
Laura Gibert, Pamina
Adrià Mas, Tamino
Xavier Casademont, Papageno
Inma Masramon, Papagena
Alba Martínez Nieto, Queen of the Night
Danil Sayfullin, Sarastro
Jordi Casanova, Monostatos
Gisela Villamayor, lady 1
Kimiyo Nakako, lady 2
Maria Jurado, lady 3
Victorina Pérez, angel 1
Marie-Laure Butty, angel 2
Grissel Ruiz, angel 3
Roger Vicens, guardian 1
Lluís Vergés, guardian 2 / Sprecher 
José Luís González, slave 1
Germán Casetti, slave 2

Choir and ballet by Òpera Popular de Barcelona
With the collaboration of the Professional Dance Conservatory of the Institut del Teatre of the Diputació de Barcelona


W. A. Mozart: The Magic Flute


This Magic Flute wants to be a humble tribute to all the lyrical companies that traveled the roads of the world, with love.

Mozart, like authentic art, does not need to be understood to reach our soul. Sublime by the beauty of goodness —ineffable matter of dreams, from the smallest note— Mozart's humble greatness manifests itself causing us absolute abstraction, oblivion: the embellishment of Schopenhauer, implicit transcendental foundation of beauty.

Transcendence is a virtue. Virtue is the disposition that a being has to act ideally in life. And, if a human being has enjoyed this prerogative in the long, heavy and tortuous speech of history - which is a human prerogative - this being has been W. A. Mozart, and the purest example, his Magic Flute.

Information and tickets

Dates and tickets

  • 5 February 2023
    18:00 h
    Concert Hall
  • 6 April 2023
    20:00 h
    Concert Hall
  • 15 June 2024
    20:00 h
    Concert Hall
  • 6 January 2025
    18:00 h
    Concert Hall

Production information

Approximate:130 minutes (aprox) - With a 15 minute break
Organized by:Òpera Popular de Barcelona

Ticket Office

C/ Palau de la Música, 4-6
08003 Barcelona
T. 932 957 207
[email protected]

Monday to Saturday: from 8.30 am to 9 pm.
Sunday and public holidays: from 8.30 am to 3.30 pm and 2 hours before the concert (for sale day).

The Magic Flute by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart