
As of the 2023-2024 academic year, registrations for all the activities of Escoles al Palau will be made through the new educational platform laCultivadora, an initiative jointly promoted by the six stage and musical teams of Catalonia: Palau de la Música Catalana, Teatre Nacional de Catalunya, Gran Teatre del Liceu, Mercat de les Flors, Teatre Lliure and L’Auditori. 

Before signing up for any activity, you need to register your personal profile in laCultivadora. We recommend that you do it as well as possible!

Remember that registration will open on June 27 at 9 a.m. and that the allocation of places will be made directly in order of registration. No amount will be refunded once the first or second payment has been made.

How does the reservation process work?

Before making the first registration, you must register individually with laCultivadora and indicate the educational center to which you belong*.
* If you cannot find the educational center on the list, you can register by indicating the code of the center.

On September 4, 2023, laCultivadora opens registrations for the educational activities of the six national performing arts and musical kits.
* The educational centers of the city of Barcelona that have previously submitted to the call for the PAE free program will have to register from September 19.

The registration period for each activity will remain open as long as there are places available. If the availability of any activity is exhausted, the educational center can register on the corresponding waiting list.

For the reservation to be effective, a first payment of 20% of the reservation must be made within a maximum period of 72 hours(*)(**). If a center does not want to split the payment, it can also make a single payment.
* In the event that the first payment is not made within the established period, the reserved places will be released automatically.
** School groups that attend a performance at night (with the general public) do not need to make the first payment. In this case, you have to make a single payment within the period indicated by your reservation.

The term of the second payment will be established by each of the facilities*.
* In the event that the second payment is not made within the established period, all previously reserved places will be released automatically and the amount of the first payment will not be refunded.

We recommend the use of a credit card because:
1. You will obtain immediate confirmation of payment and reservation.
2. You can save the card details for future payments.
3. You will not have to wait for the second payment term.
4. If you book activities from different entities, you can make all the first payments in a single transaction.