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Rachmaninoff 3 and The Rite of Spring

— Anna Fedorova & Franz Schubert Filharmonia


Anna Fedorova, piano
Franz Schubert Filharmonia
Tomàs Grau, conductor


S. RAKHMÀNINOV: Piano Concerto No. 3, Op. 30
STRAVINSKi: The Rite of Spring


Tomàs Grau Conducts Stravinsky’s Rite

Ukrainian pianist Anna Fedorova, who is acclaimed for her poetic musicality and who won the Arthur Rubinstein In Memoriam International Competition for Young Pianists in 2009, will be our soloist in one of the most popular of all piano concertos, the Third by Rachmaninov, a composer whose work has played a central role in her career.

In the second part of the concert, Tomàs Grau will lead the Franz Schubert Filharmonia in one of the most groundbreaking and pivotal works in the history of music, Stravinsky’s The Rite of Spring.

Information and tickets

Dates and tickets

  • 26 May 2024
    17:30 h
    Concert Hall

Production information

Organized by:Franz Schubert Filharmonia

Rachmaninoff 3 and The Rite of Spring