Canto la lluita i l’amor

A concert that celebrates the figure of Joan Salvat-Papasseit through poems set to music by a wide range of composers, from Manuel Oltra to Joan Manuel Serrat, including Xavier Sans, Feliu Gasull, and Carles Prat, with a premiere by Anna Campmany. A concert where Salvat’s poetry intertwines with contemporary Catalan choral music. And with the sound touch of the accordion, an instrument that takes us to the port and the sea, which deeply influenced the poet from his childhood. Just like his work, with the Nocturn for accordion... or the entire collection of The Radiator of the Port and the Seagulls.

A song to nature, a cry to the earth

The Chamber Choir of the Palau de la Música Catalana presents "A Song to Nature. A Cry from the Earth." A concert that aims to be a praise and exaltation of nature, a source of inspiration for composers throughout history. At a time when humanity is putting the planet at risk, this proposal is a celebration of the beauty of the world and also a call to action to highlight, through 20th-century choral works, that the Earth is tired and we must take care of it. The concert represents a journey through six centuries of choral music, with evocative elements such as the different scents of the forest, earth, flowers, and sea, creating an atmosphere for the enjoyment of the audience.

Una Schubertíada

A proposal that recreates the soirées organized by Schubert in early 19th-century Vienna, at the home of the Sonnleithner family, where singing, poetry recitation, and the creation of pictorial works took place in an irreproducible artistic environment. A staged proposal with stage direction by Anna Romaní and the participation of actor Bernat Cot, featuring choral music and lieder by Schubert, as well as works by Haydn, Beethoven, or Rossini. This performance brings together music, theater, poetry, and painting around the music of the great master of poetic song.

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El cançoner popular contemporani

Within the framework of the celebration of the centenary of the Cançoner Popular, and with the idea of connecting the past and the present, director Xavier Puig, along with musicologist Jaume Ayats, has curated a program of works collected in the Cançoner that have been arranged for choir by contemporary and active composers.

In 1921, Rafael Patxot i Jubert, an important patron of Catalan culture, commissioned the Orfeó Català to create the grand work of the Cançoner Popular de Catalunya, with the intention of collecting all the popular tunes from Catalan-speaking territories.

A hundred years later, the Palau's Chamber Choir proposes to fulfill Rafael Patxot's intention and contribute to the renewal and updating of our popular repertoire with new songs in choral versions by our best composers.