Born in Zaragoza in 1963, he is a poet, essayist, narrator, and critic. With a degree in Geography, nature is a central theme in his poetry, along with the use of language that some have compared to extreme metal. Indeed, his poetry is revolutionary, nonconformist, and highly vitalistic.

The poem that opens the seasonal book, "Estendard," is an example of this. Calvo delves into the figure of the hero and its antithesis, the anti-hero. The opening verse, "The young dead are not here," is a response to Rilke's verse in the Sixth Elegy of Duino, which literally states that "the hero is strangely close to the young dead" ("Wunderlich nah ist der Held doch den jugendlich Toten"). Subtle references to Ingeborg Bachmann's poem "Alle Tage" (Every Day) can also be found, advocating for desertion, bravery, irreverence, and betrayal, along with nods to Greek mythology and Ramon Llull.

Lluís Calvo advocates for a critical view of the hero figure in its classical sense, leaning more towards the anti-hero as a vital stance. Indeed, his poetry encompasses a celebration of love and peace without shying away from conflict. The poem is written in blank alexandrines, alternating between masculine and feminine feet. With Lluís Calvo, influential among an entire generation of poets, including Anna Gual and Laia Llobera, who have also been invited poets at the Palau de la Música Catalana, we will be able to reflect, review, and deconstruct, if necessary, the concept of the hero throughout the season, with activities within the Hivernacle and the publication of an essay within the "Other Voices" series of the Palau.

Lluís Calvo Guardiola