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Llegats vivents

—Great Poetry recital


Anna Gual andJaume C. Pons Alorda, presenters
Mariona Camats, cello

Antonina Canyelles, Rosa Font, Feliu Formosa, Biel Mesquida, Francesc Parcerisas, Jaume Pérez Montaner, Josep M. Sala-Valldaura and Olga Xirinacs, poets

With a reading of poems by Nora Albert, recently passed away.


J. S. Bach: “Prelude” from Suite for solo cello, no. 2, in D minor
E. Casals: “Prelude” and “Elegy” from the Suite for solo cello
E. Fábregas: “Ball d’entrada” and “Records de Sardana” from Danses de la terra


The poets Anna Gual and Jaume C. Pons Alorda propose a great poetic recital that fills the Palau de la Música Catalana with mastery, beauty, tradition and exciting verbal flashes.

Nine unquestionable poets, nine accents from all the Catalan-speaking territory, are invoked in the house of songs and poetry. The exceptional artists of the word are: Antonina Canyelles, Rosa Font, Feliu Formosa, Biel Mesquida, Francesc Parcerisas, Jaume Pérez Montaner, Josep M. Sala-Valldaura and Olga Xirinacs. The ninth poet, Nora Albert, recently passed away, will also be present with the reading of a selection of her poems.

With deep dedication, they have enlarged the world through poignant and emotional verses. Now his works are a must-read for future generations. His example is a light that confirms that poetry is also an exceptional way of life.

In a memorable, heritage and historical night, we will turn the word into a foundation, a beacon that illuminates the darkness of an increasingly dark 21st century. And shared passions can help us build new possible futures.

Information and tickets

Dates and tickets

  • 28 April 2024
    18:00 h
    Concert Hall

Production information

Approximate:90 minutes (aprox)
Organized by:Fundació Orfeó Català-Palau de la Música

Ticket Office

C/ Palau de la Música, 4-6
08003 Barcelona
T. 932 957 207
[email protected]

Monday to Saturday: from 8.30 am to 9 pm.
Sunday and public holidays: from 8.30 am to 3.30 pm and 2 hours before the concert (for sale day).

Llegats vivents