Travel through the voice

The adventure

The voice, with its immense sound possibilities, experimental and creative will be the star of this show. A unique opportunity to travel across five continents and discover some of its traditional and popular music.

Let yourselves be seduced by the violins, trumpets, guitars, flutes, trombones, maracas, balalaikas, didgeridoos... interpreted exclusively a cappella.


  • To discover the endless sonic possibilities of the human voice.
  • To recognize melodies and traditional songs from different cultures.


Javier Canales, Ihosvanni Conyedo, Daniel Morales, Álex Delgado and Jordi Vallespí, interpreters

Daniel Morales, conductor
Jana Grulichová,
choreographic direction
Gemma Canadell, artistic direction


Primary education: 5th and 6th grade
Secondary education: 1st and 2nd grade

Dates: November 25, 26, and 27, 2024; December 3, 4, and 5, 2024; January 8, 9, and 10, 2025
Time: 10 AM and 11:30 AM
Venue: Concert Hall
Price: €10
Capacity: 700 seats



Direct registration from june 27 at LaCultivadora






Les músiques del món