La traviata by Giuseppe Verdi

Xavier Puig - Jaume Villanueva


Xavier Puig, conductor
Jaume Villanueva, staging
Miquel Villalba, Pablo Morales,
choir conductor
Orquestra de cambra Terrassa 48
Quim Térmens, concertino
Kevin Donaire, choreography
Mariana Giustina Baravalle, choreographies of Violetta girl

Òpera Popular de Barcelona,
stable company:
Núria Vilà, Violetta Valéry
Anaïs Masllorens (January 31 and May 3), Marta Roca (February 22), Flora Bervoix, sua amica
Sara García (January 31 and May 3) Cristina Escolà (February 22), Annina, serva di Violetta
Facundo Muñoz (January 31), Juan José Medina (February 22), Marc Sala (May 3), Alfredo Germont
Xavier Vilalta (January 31), Lluís Sintes (February 22 and May 3), Giorgio Germont, suo padre
Roberto Redondo (January 31), Adrià Mas (February 22 and May 3), Gastone, visconte di Létorières
Joan G. Gomà (January 31), Alejandro Chelet (February 22), Jordi Ferrer (May 3), Il barone Douphol
Danil Sayfullin (January 31 and February 22), Néstor Pindado (May 3), Il marchese d’Obigny
Antonio Fajardo (January 31 and May 3), Lluís Vergés (February 22), Il dottor Grenvil
José Luís González, Giuseppe, servo di Violetta
Ariel Seras, Un domestico di Flora
Germán Casetti, Un commissionario

Choir and ballet of teh Popular Opera of Barcelona
With the collaboration of the Professional Dance Conservatory of the Institut del Teatre of the Diputació de Barcelona and the dance teacher Isa Moren


G. Verdi: La traviata


A Traviata for Marcel Proust

The refined perversion of Paris, the most depraved city in the world, gravitates surreptitiously, hidden as an unspeakable and secret sin. The only plausible objective of the characters who walk through the halls, love ignored, transgression invades purity like a fog impossible to dispel. Death is the only pious —and absurd— way out that is granted to Violetta, la traviata, the lost one, object and victim of her pleasures.

Information and tickets

Dates and tickets

  • 11 February 2023
    18:00 h
    Concert Hall
  • 1 April 2023
    18:00 h
    Concert Hall
  • 3 June 2023
    18:00 h
    Concert Hall
  • 21 October 2023
    18:00 h
    Concert Hall
  • 10 December 2023
    18:00 h
    Concert Hall
  • 11 February 2024
    18:00 h
    Concert Hall
  • 13 April 2024
    18:00 h
    Concert Hall
  • 2 November 2024
    18:00 h
    Concert Hall
  • 31 January 2025
    20:00 h
    Concert Hall
  • 22 February 2025
    19:00 h
    Concert Hall
  • 3 May 2025
    18:00 h
    Concert Hall

Production information

Prices:From 38 to 78 euros
Approximate:120 minutes (aprox) - With a 15 minute break
Organized by:Òpera Popular de Barcelona

Ticket Office

C/ Palau de la Música, 4-6
08003 Barcelona
T. 932 957 207
[email protected]

Monday to Saturday: from 8.30 am to 9 pm.
Sunday and public holidays: from 8.30 am to 3.30 pm and 2 hours before the concert (for sale day).

La traviata by Giuseppe Verdi