Jordi Lara
Born in Vic in 1968, he is a writer and audiovisual creator who, as he himself says, "loves the fog, libraries, and music." In his narrative work, he often likes to delve into marginal characters who take shortcuts from the conventional path, becoming protagonists - heroes or anti-heroes, depending on the point of view taken - due to their stance against the usual flow.
As the creator and director of programs like Sardana, Nydia, La sonora, or Il·luminats on TV3, he is a guest writer for the Palau de la Música Catalana's season. Lara has been the recipient of awards such as the Crítica Serra d'Or Award or the Narrative Critics Award for books like Una màquina d’espavilar ocells de nit, Mística conilla, or Sis nits d’agost. The novel Una màquina d’espavilar ocells de nit (2008), is actually a collection of chronicles about art and creation and includes a chapter dedicated to the composer Juli Garreta, which is why Jordi Lara will become the narrator in the concert ¡Més Garreta! conceived by the Palau de la Música Catalana to celebrate the figure of the enigmatic composer from Empordà. His passion for Catalan music and his informative capacity perfectly complement the Palau's mission to promote the great works of Catalan composers throughout history. Lara's multifaceted character will allow for the exploration of new collaboration formats with the Palau as a guest artist, including narrative and television, in line with his own statement that "any art is a metaphor for the other arts."