Joan Martín-Royo & Rubén Fernández Aguirre
Joan Martín-Royo & Rubén Fernández Aguirre
—Songs by Felip Pedrell
Joan Martín-Royo, baritone
Rubén Fernández Aguirre, piano
Songs by
La chanson du pecheur (poem by Théophile Gautier)
La dernière feuille (poem by Théophile Gautier)
Chanson de pirates (poem by Victor Hugo)
Lágrimas (poem by Juan Toro)
A… cantar (poem by G. Blest Gana)
Acuérdate de mí (anonymous)
Mazurka (solo piano)
Per pietà bell idol mio (text by Pietro Metastasio)
Barcarola (text by Pietro Metastasio)
Dal primo dì (text by Pietro Metastasio)
Cicle de cançons La Primavera, op. 106 (texts by Francesc Matheu)
1. La primavera que a estimar convida
2. Cada vegada que et veig
3. De celístia matinera
4. Mirant d’una viola
5. No sé què hi ha en ta mirada
6. Si les flores de ta finestra
7. Si alguna nit a despertar venia
8. D’ençà que per tot, hermosa
9. Vine, verge beneïda
10. Quan el sol a ta finestra
11. Si pogués un sol instant
12. Cançons d’amor que he dictades
The legacy of composer Felip Pedrell, a native of Tortosa, often hidden behind his role as a musicologist, was especially vindicated throughout 2022 on the occasion of the centenary of his death. The baritone Joan Martín-Royo and Rubén Fernández Aguirre have focused their attention on the repertoire of songs, recording it on a compact disc and now presenting it in concert format at the Palau de la Música, a contemporary venue of Pedrell.