Form for the 5th International Choral Composition Competition of the Catalan Orfeó - 2025FormName*Surnames*Address*Town*Postal Code*Phone number*Email*Date of birth*Work dataModality in which it is presented*A1A2A3Pseudonym*Title of the work*Voices*Other data (text, duration, etc)Documentation attachedPDF of the work presented*PDF or JPG (maximum weight 1GB)Audio or video recording*MP3, MP4, WMV, AVI, ZIP, RAR formats (Maximum 500mb)CV*PDF or JPG (maximum weight 1GB)Additional information*If you want to attach more information, use these fields. You can provide us a link with multiple files (drive, dropbox, wetransfer) or any external link (youtube, vimeo, soundcloud).I have read and agree to our privacy policySubmit