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Cor Vivaldi & Òscar Boada

—35th anniversary of the formation


Cor Vivaldi
Antics cantaires del Cor Vivaldi
Josep Lluís Gil and Elisabet Egea, presenters
Anna Bernal and Alejandro Luque,bailaores
Albert Guinovart, piano
Gerard López Boada, piano
Laura Nogueras, violin
Salvador Oriola, clarinet
Guillermo Prats, bass
Arnau Farré, organ
Martí Biarnés, percussion
Jordi Serrano, drums
Manuel Torralba, guest conductor
Òscar Boada, conductor


A. GUINOVART: “Contes”, “Les fúries de l’infern”, “La veu del vostre cor”, “Acota el cap”, “De tot cor” and “Temps de Nadal” from Els Pastorets

H. PARRY: Jerusalem
I. PLASS: Ave Maria
P. CASALS: Nigra sum
A. GARCÍA DEMESTRES: “O quam tristis” and “Quae Moerebat” from Stabat Mater
B. BRITTEN: The ballad of L. B. and L. Musgrave
J. ELBERDIN: Cantate Domino

P. BACCHUS: Sicut locutus
K. SHAW: El Rossinyol; I could write a book
G. LÓPEZ BOADA: Aiguaviva (premiere, work dedicated to the Cor Vivaldi on its 35th anniversary); The laughing heart
N. BONET: Balada del bes
M. TORRALBA: Gloria (premiere)


The Cor Vivaldi-Petits Cantors de Catalunya is celebrating its 35th anniversary at the Palau de la Música, in a concert that promises to be memorable not only for its significance, but also for the richness of the programme and the diversity and number of performers who will take part in it. The children's choir will perform, in three parts, a selection of some of its best hits, a wide and varied repertoire that delves into popular music but with a significant emphasis on contemporary creation.

Information and tickets

Dates and tickets

  • 9 October 2024
    20:00 h
    Concert Hall

Production information

Organized by:Fundació Orfeó Català-Palau de la Música

Ticket Office

C/ Palau de la Música, 4-6
08003 Barcelona
T. 932 957 207
[email protected]

Monday to Saturday: from 8.30 am to 9 pm.
Sunday and public holidays: from 8.30 am to 3.30 pm and 2 hours before the concert (for sale day).

Cor Vivaldi & Òscar Boada