Cobla Sant Jordi-Ciutat de Barcelona & Sabaté

This event has already taken place. We invite you to explore the current program
Cobla Sant Jordi-Ciutat de Barcelona & Sabaté
—Concert for the 40th anniversary of the formation
Cobla Sant Jordi-Ciutat de Barcelona
Marcel Sabaté, director
Laura Aubert i Bernat Cot, idea and stage direction
Laura Aubert, presentation
Dani Gener, lightning
Pere Gual, interview recordings
Montse Farrarons, producción
EL circ: Desfilada, L’equilibrista, El pallasso trist i la ballarina, Acròbates (absolute premiere. Work commissioned by Cobla Sant Jordi-Ciutat de Barcelona on the occasion of its 40th anniversary)
Camí de llum
La fageda d’en Jordà
A en Pau Casals
Petita suite lúdica: Preludiet, Ball pla, Trapelleries, Arietta, Corrandes (work commissioned by the Palau de la Música Catalana within the framework of the Barcelona Creació Sonora programme, world premiere)