Chords of Harmony & Dudamel

This event has already taken place. We invite you to explore the current program
Chords of Harmony & Dudamel
—Open rehearsal
Cors Infantil i Juvenil de Palau Vincles
Cor Infantil de la Fundació Xamfrà
Coro de Manos Blancas
Chords of Harmony orchestra members from:
YOLA (Youth Orchestra Los Angeles)
Fundación para la Acción Social por la Música
Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya (ESMUC)
Fundació Conservatori del Liceu
Conservatorio Superior de Música del País Vasco, Musikene
Academia de Estudios Orquestales de la Fundación Barenboim-Said
Centro Integrado de Música Padre Antonio Soler
Orquesta Sinfónica de Castilla y León Joven (OSCYLJ)
Students from Madrid
Orquestra Geração (Lisbon, Portugal)
El Sistema Grècia (Athens, Greece)
Ensemble Conservatoire de Musique de Genève (Switzerland)
Dream Orchestra (Sweden)
Tutti Passeurs d’Arts (Paríi, France)
Big Noise (Scotland, United Kingdom)
Gustavo Dudamel and Rodolfo Barráez, conductors
Diferent (choirs, piano and percussion)
Egmont Overture (orchestra)
chorale of the Ninth Symphony (orchestra and choirs)
As part of Gustavo Dudamel's stay in Barcelona, the Palau de la Música Catalana will host a musical and social event that crosses borders. It is an open rehearsal with a total of 210 young people from 9 different countries, who will perform on the modernist stage led by the renowned Venezuelan director. More than a hundred young people from YOLA (the social project of the Los Angeles Symphony Orchestra, La Phil) and other national and international social music projects will participate, together with a representation of performers from conservatories and high schools with the Manos Blancas Choir (coming from Venezuela and integrating children and young people with functional diversity) and the Palau Vincles choirs (the social project of the Palau), the Xamfrà Foundation and the ESMUC, in an initiative organized in collaboration with the Acción por la Música foundation, from Madrid. It will be a unique session in which the participants will interpret Adrià Aguilera's Diferent, the Egmont Overture and the "Choral" from Ludwig van Beethoven's Ninth Symphony. Access to this concert is by invitation only.