La Barcelona universal de Joaquim Cabot

From October 16 to February 12

This 2023 celebrates the centenary of one of the most important architects of modernism, Lluís Domènech i Montaner. The Palau de la Música Catalana, as one of the most emblematic buildings of the architect, will host an exhibition specially dedicated to the construction of the Palau de la Música Catalana and all his inspiring genius that culminated in the magnificent concert hall, unique in the world.

Domènech y Montaner brought together all the arts typical of the modernist era from sculpture, stained glass or mosaics to the Palace, but we also know that he was inspired by large international concert halls and foreign artists.

In the centenary that is celebrated in 2023, it is a reason to discover the Palace in all its dimensions, with a new revealing look that will help us discover the creative foundation of Lluís Domènech i Montaner.

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Josep Anselm Clavé. D’Icària a la República Federal

From February 15th to June 16th.

Josep Anselm Clavé was born in Barcelona in 1824. In his youth, he embraced liberal and progressive ideas, getting involved in revolts to transform the Kingdom of Spain into a more just and democratic society. Those personal and collective experiences led him to reflect on the most effective method to achieve that goal, opting for an associative project of a cultural nature.

He drew inspiration from the ideas presented by Étienne Cabet in the philosophical novel 'Voyage to Icaria' and took advantage of the momentum of a popular recreational association that fully integrated into contemporary entertainment spaces. Over thirty years, Clavé served as an activist, entrepreneur, journalist, musician, and poet. He was also imprisoned several times, experienced exile firsthand, and held positions of political responsibility.

This exhibition proposes a chronological journey through the life and professional trajectory of Josep Anselm Clavé, relating the most prominent points of this journey to contemporaneous political and social events. A story that is part of our recent past and unfolds between the discovery of Icaria and the proclamation of the Federal Republic.

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120-40: Two Anniversaries and a Musical Story

Opening: October 2024

The "Revista Musical Catalana" reaches the celebration of its double anniversary—120 years since its founding and 40 years since the revival of its publication—having become a reference in the field of periodicals on musical topics and in the Catalan language, just as it was—indeed, pioneeringly so—when it first appeared.

The unique trajectory of the publication—with two periods separated by a long hiatus of nearly five decades—reflects the turbulent history of our country. Created by the Orfeó Català in 1904, it was interrupted—along with all the activities of this entity—by the outbreak of the Civil War in 1936. We thus refer to the First Epoch as the 390 issues published between these dates.

Exactly eighty years after the genesis of that initiative, the "Revista Musical Catalana" was revived, once again driven by an entrepreneurial and visionary Orfeó Català, adapted to the new times but with the same foundational values. Thus, in 1984, the Second Epoch began, followed by others—continuously—to the present day.

Today, the magazine becomes a fascinating hybrid, possessing an inspiring past, attentive to the present, and looking forward to the future with enthusiasm.

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The CEDOC's exhibition programme highlights the main musical events during the music season, establishing links with the Palau's artistic programme. Also at this time themed exhibitions relating to the history of music in Catalonia are presented. All this is thanks to the valuable documented collection of CEDOC, which makes it one of the primary documentation archives specialising in the music of Catalonia.