Support us
Join now! Your commitment today, for a Palau that lasts forever!
Join this unique cultural project and experience Palau in an exclusive and close way. You can become part of the community of benefactors with contributions starting from €1,000 (€450 if you are under 45). Benefactors' contributions enjoy tax incentives.
Being a benefactor of the Palau means...
- Committing to one of the country’s most emblematic projects
- Being part of a community of people who share a passion for culture and music
- Becoming an ambassador and spokesperson for the Palau worldwide
- Making the Palau your home
- Contributing and actively participating in the present and future of this institution
- Improving society and people’s lives by supporting the Palau’s activities
You will enjoy...
- Invitations to concerts
- Private visits
- Access to cocktails / activities with artists
- Attendance at rehearsals, exclusive meetings, and events
- Discounts on all Palau concerts
- Personalized attention and priority in all the Palau’s artistic offerings
- Free annual subscription to the Revista Musical Catalana
- Public recognition in communication channels
- Access to essential European musical proposals
Tax incentives
You can deduct 80% of the first €250 and, from that amount onwards, 40%. Additionally, to reward sustained patronage, the deduction increases to 45% if, in the previous two years, you have donated the same amount to the same entity.
Thank you!
Benefactors d'Honor
- Mariona Carulla Font
- M. Dolors i Francesc
- Pere Grau Vacarisas
- María José Lavin Guitart
- Mª. del Carmen Pous Guardia
- Daniela Turco
- Joaquim Uriach Torello
Benefactors Principals
- Elvira Abril
- Eulàlia Alari Ballart
- Pere Armadàs Bosch
- Rosamaria Artigas i Costajussà
- Professor Rafael I. Barraquer Compte
- Francesc Xavier Carbonell Castellón
- Lluís Carulla Font
- Josep Colomer Viure
- Josep Daniel i Lluïsa Fornos
- Isabel Esteve Cruella
- Casimiro Gracia Abian
- Jordi Gual i Solé
- Ramón Poch Segura
- Juan Eusebio Pujol Chimeno
- Juan Manuel Soler Pujol
- Joan Uriach Marsal
- Manel Vallet Garriga
- Mahala Alzamora Figueras-Dotti
- Zacaries Benamiar
- Gemma Borràs i Llorens
- Jordi Capdevila i Pons
- David Carrasco Chiva
- Oriol Coll
- Elvira Gaspar Farreras
- Pablo Giménez-Salinas Framis
- Irene Hidalgo de Vizcarrondo
- Pepita Izquierdo Giralt
- Joan Oller i Cuartero
- Carla Sanfeliu
- Josep Ll. Sanfeliu
- Marc Sanfeliu
- Elina Selin
- Jordi Simó Sanahuja
- M. Dolors Sobrequés i Callicó
- Salvador Viñas Amat
We would love to meet you and introduce you to the benefactors’ program.
Núria Caralps
Director of Individual Patronage
Phone: +34 932 957 236 / Email: [email protected]