Support us
Become a benefactor of the Palau! Your commitment today, for a Palau that lasts forever!
Being a benefactor of the Palau means...
- Committing to one of the country’s most emblematic projects
- Being part of a community of people who share a passion for culture and music
- Becoming an ambassador and spokesperson for the Palau worldwide
- Making the Palau your home
- Contributing and actively participating in the present and future of this institution
- Improving society and people’s lives by supporting the Palau’s activities
You will enjoy...
- Invitations to concerts
- Private visits
- Access to cocktails / activities with artists
- Attendance at rehearsals, exclusive meetings, and events
- Discounts on all Palau concerts
- Personalized attention and priority in all the Palau’s artistic offerings
- Free annual subscription to the Revista Musical Catalana
- Public recognition in communication channels
- Access to essential European musical proposals
Tax incentives
You can deduct 80% of the first €250 and, from that amount onwards, 40%. Additionally, to reward sustained patronage, the deduction increases to 45% if, in the previous two years, you have donated the same amount to the same entity.
Thank you!
Benefactors d'Honor
- Mariona Carulla Font
- Mª Dolors i Francesc
- Pere Grau Vacarisas
- María José Lavin Guitart
- Mª. del Carmen Pous Guardia
- Daniela Turco
- Joaquim Uriach Torello
Benefactors Principals
- Elvira Abril
- Eulàlia Alari Ballart
- Pere Armadàs Bosch
- Rosamaria Artigas i Costajussà
- Professor Rafael I. Barraquer Compte
- Francesc Xavier Carbonell Castellón
- Lluís Carulla Font
- Josep Colomer Viure
- Josep Daniel i Lluïsa Fornos
- Isabel Esteve Cruella
- Jordi Gual i Solé
- Ramón Poch Segura
- Juan Eusebio Pujol Chimeno
- Juan Manuel Soler Pujol
- Joan Uriach Marsal
- Manel Vallet Garriga
- Mahala Alzamora Figueras-Dotti
- Zacaries Benamiar
- Gemma Borràs i Llorens
- David Carrasco Chiva
- Elvira Gaspar Farreras
- Pablo Giménez-Salinas Framis
- Pepita Izquierdo Giralt
- Joan Oller i Cuartero
- Jordi Simó Sanahuja
- Salvador Viñas Amat
We would love to meet you and introduce you to the benefactors’ program.
Núria Caralps
Director of Individual Patronage
Phone: +34 932 957 236 / Email: [email protected]