Barcelona Obertura

Cor Jove & Cor Infantil of Orfeó Català


Cor Infantil de l’Orfeó Català
Glòria Coma i Pedrals, directora
Cor Jove de l’Orfeó Català
Pablo Larraz i Oriol Castanyer, directors
Paul Perera i Pau Casan, piano


Cor Infantil de l’Orfeó Català
J. Manén: El cavaller enamorat (traditional Catalan)
Joan del Riu (traditional Catalan, harmonized by Alberto Grau)
B. Chilcott: Like a rainbow
D. Lim: A Puppet’s Dream
J. Papoulis: We are the voices
Bonse Aba (Zambian folk song)
‘Nesiponono (South African song, arranged by Johann Van der Sandt)
T. Wong: Wau Bulan
K. Perry: Firework

Cor Jove de l’Orfeó Català
Danny Boy (traditional Irish song, arranged by Peter Knight)
Shenandoah (traditional American song, arranged by James Erb)
Ride The charriot (spiritual, arranged by Henry Smit)
J.  Vila i Casañas: El Mirador
Choral fantasy based on popular and traditional melodies from the Catalan countries

Cors Infantil i Jove de l’Orfeó Català
J. Williams: Dry your tears (text by Bernard Dadie)


Attention: this concert will take place at Centre Cívic Cotxeres de Sants in Barcelona.

More information at this link.

Information and tickets

Dates and tickets

  • 26 March 2025
    19:00 h
    Barcelona - Centre Cívic Cotxeres de Sants

Production information

Organized by:Barcelona Obertura

Barcelona Obertura