Aula Palau offers the audiences of the Palau de la Música Catalana a broader development of their musical culture, allowing them to enjoy classical music and the programming of the modernist hall in an enhanced way. Beyond dissemination, it is an invitation to the sensitization and education of the Palau community to acquire tools for a deeper understanding of music and the ability to make critical judgments, especially regarding live concerts.
Master in Good Hearing
Behind the term “MBA” (Master in Business Administration) applied to the MBA · Master in Good Listening lies the metaphor (not without humor) that involves the intelligent “administration” of your sensitivity and how it “negotiates” with music, its language, its history, the creators and performers within the framework of the Palau’s musical activities. Becoming a “master” means having a broad and general understanding of the aspects involved in any musical work that allows you to transcend the simple judgment “I like it – I don’t like it”. Classical music possesses complex levels of beauty that require more than just sitting down to listen. Achieving a “good listening”, or what some call a “responsible listening”, refers to its simple meaning: “ability to respond”. Responding, based on solid knowledge and keen sensitivity, to the simple question “why do I like what I like?” (or what I don’t like...). Only then does the true aesthetic experience begin.
First Course
The MBA · Master in Good Listening Course offers tools to identify the elements of music as Language; invites you to learn about the historical contexts and historiographical debates surrounding the Creation of the work, the author, and his time, and finally, stimulates the development of a systematized reflection on what the Recreation or interpretation of a piece means, both throughout history and in current contexts. A journey that will take us from the origins of sound to the peak where Beethoven's Ninth Symphony leaves us. Carlos Calderón, Doctor in Humanities, musician, and historian, will guide us accompanied by guest professors on this exciting path of knowledge.
Fifteen sessions on fifteen Saturdays: October 26, 2024, November 9 and 30, December 14, January 18, 2025, February 1 and 22, March 8 and 22, April 26, May 10, 24 and 31, June 21 and 28
Schedules: 10.30 AM to 1:30 PM with a break
The digital format of the Master in Good Hearing Level 1 is currently available for purchase at a price of €250, granting access to the 15 online sessions.
Second Course
Course aimed at the students of the first MBA course in the 2023-24 season
Once the first level of the MBA has been completed, aspects such as the different definitions of music, the concept of sound, the materiality of the instruments, and the historical keys that have led us to the essential link that is Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony have been consolidated. A piece that is the culmination of everything that has been explained and that will be the basis for everything that remains to be said.
We will return to the primordial equation based not only on dissemination but also on sensitizing and educating to achieve a deep and responsible listening capacity. We will return to delve into why I like what I like. This time with content that addresses the orchestra as a total instrument, the figure of the conductor of these formations, the genres (sonata, concerto, symphony, opera...) and a final historical journey that reaches the present day. An aesthetic, philosophical, sociological journey that will also lead us to understand the music spaces (halls, festivals...) and, specifically, the Palau. The classroom that hosts us -and where this exciting adventure culminates.
- Fifteen sessions on fifteen Fridays: October 25, 2024, November 8 and 29, December 13, January 17 and 31, 2025, February 21, March 7 and 21, April 25, May 9, 23 and 30, June 20 and 27
Schedules: 5 PM to 8 PM with a break.