Artistic team

Glòria Fernàndez

Conductor of the Cor Mitjans of Orfeó Català

"Being the director of the Cor Mitjans de l'Orfeó Català is very satisfying as the singers pass their vitality on to you. The kids are so energetic and creative that every class is like opening a book - you never know what surprises are waiting for you on the next page."

After graduating in choir conducting from the Catalonia College of Music, Glòria Fernàndez Blanco worked for many years as a professional singer for a number of different groups, including Arsys Bourgogne, conducted by Pierre Cao, and La Capella Reial de Catalunya, under the baton of Jordi Savall.

She has conducted several mixed, children’s and women’s choirs over the last twenty years, and has directed the Orfeó Català Cor Mitjans choir since September 2007.

Fernàndez has worked on projects run by the Choral School at the Orfeó Català to promote choral singing in Bombay and Cameroon. She also worked on the social outreach project Palau Vincles, since its inception in 2011 until 2023, as choir director.

At the same time, she has an interest in the body and voice from a broader, overarching perspective. As a result, she has studied the Jaques-Dalcroze music teaching method, contemporary dance, integrative body psychotherapy, and vocal music therapy, among other disciplines.

Adrià Aguilera

Pianist of the Choirs Mitjans and Petits of Orfeó Català

Adrià Aguilera is a pianist, composer and music director. After graduating in piano performance from the Liceu Conservatory, he continued his studies at Musikeon and Taller de Músics. His career has focused on musical theatre, acting as pianist and musical director for productions including The Addams Family, A Chorus Line, Billy Elliot, Grease and The Producers

As a composer, he has written Barcelona compte enrere, El secret del volcà, and Cantata diferent, which was commissioned by Palau Vincles and will be performed for the first time in 2024.

Aguilera has been the pianist for performances including the participatory musical organised by La Caixa Foundation, the Cantagran at the Auditori de Barcelona and La cuina de Rossini at Gran Teatre del Liceu. He has also accompanied the choirs Musicorum, Cor Lua, Cor Eternity, and Cor Itaca. This season he will accompany the Cor Mitjans and Cor Petits choirs at the Orfeó Català.