Arnau Tordera symphonic
Arnau Tordera symphonic
—Orquestra Simfònica del Vallès, Cor de Noies, Cors de Palau Vincles & Puig
Arnau Tordera, voice and electric guitar
Cors de Palau Vincles
Cor de Noies de l’Orfeó Català (Montserrat Meneses, conductor)
Orquestra Simfònica del Vallès
Xavier Puig, conductor
“Trifàsic” Concerto for electric guitar and orchestra (orchestration commissioned by the Orquestra Simfònica del Vallès, absolute premiere for orchestra)
Ovnis a Montserrat, for solo voice, female choir and orchestra (absolute premiere)
Concierto de Aranjuez
Una veu feta de mil veus
Special offer
Self-guided visit + Concert
The Palau is a temple of music and architecture. Enjoy a self-guided tour to learn about the history and construction of the only modernist concert hall recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage site (5:00 PM) and a concert (6:30 PM) to understand the magic of what is not just a monument, but a living hall.
Price 50 € (you need to choose the "Self-guided tour + concert" rate from the dropdown menu on the seating map for each seat you select). Category C tickets (you can choose locations on the first lateral floor, second floor between rows 2 and 11, second-floor boxes, and organ galleries).