The Orfeó Català-Palau de la Música Catalana Foundation is the private entity that manages the activity of the Palau de la Música Catalana and the choirs of l'Orfeó Català. It is an open, dynamic and plural entity, with solid roots in the country and with the purpose of improving society through the artistic excellence of musical programming, the practice of choral singing and the dissemination of heritage, transmitting universal values and strengthening Catalan culture.


The Mission

The mission of the Fundació Orfeó Català-Palau de la Música Catalana is to promote music, particularly choir singing, knowledge and dissemination of cultural heritage, and to cooperate towards the consolidation of social cohesion. Since 2012 the Foundation assumes the management and activities of the Palau de la Música Catalana and its choirs. A model that makes it possible to simplify the management of the Palau, optimising its resources and giving it greater transparency. This enables the representation of the Orfeó Català, the Public Authorities and Patrons. The Chairwoman of the Associació is also the Chairwoman of the Fundació OC-PMC.

This gives rise to a symbiosis between the Palau de la Música Catalana and the Orfeó Català, which bestows a special note of singularity on the institution.

An open, dynamic and plural entity which, through its activity, concerts and choirs promotes musical practice and training, knowledge of heritage and the dissemination of culture among a diversified public that reflects Catalan society.

Therefore, the Palau de la Música Catalana and the Orfeó Català are at a historic moment in time characterised by the  recovery of the foundational values of the Orfeó Català as the cornerstone of the Foundation’s strategic positioning. Said values are excellence, participation, social commitment , Catalan identity and innovation, the pillars on which the Orfeó Català was founded in 1891 and which led to the construction of the Palau in 1905 and are the entity’s driving force.

Governing bodies

The board of patrons of the Fundació Orfeó Català-Palau de la Música Catalana, is made up of  22 members and is chaired by the president of the Orfeó Català Association , by virtue of this position.

The Board of Trustees is a collective body made up of 22 members: the person who holds the Chair of the Orfeó Català; ten trustees, designated by the Board of Directors of the Orfeó Català, at the proposal of the Chair; eight of which designated from among the members of the Board of Directors of the Orfeó Català and two trustees designated from among the members of the Orfeó Català with renowned prestige in the cultural, economic and social sphere; these two trustees shall in all cases be designated with the consent of the Board of Patronage. The other eight Board members are designated by the Board of Patronage, while the three remaining members are representatives of public authorities: Catalonia Autonomous Community Government, Barcelona City Council and Ministry Culture.



Joaquim Uriach Torelló

First Vice President
Ramon Agenjo Bosch

Second Vice President
Eugenia Bieto Caubet

Ignacio García-Nieto Portabella

Joan Vallvé Ribera

Guests with voice but without vote
Joan Oller Cuartero, General Director
Jaume Marfà Badaroux, lawyer
Compliance and Governance Committee


Generalitat de Catalunya: Josep Maria Carreté Nadal
Ajuntament de Barcelona: Xavier Marcé Carol
Ministerio de Cultura: Paz Santa Cecilia Aristu

Mireia Carmona Sanz
Joaquim Coello Brufau
Lluís Domènech Girbau
Guillem Gascón Picallo
Xavier García-Moll Marimon
Mireia Tomàs Carulla
Maria Àngels Vallvé Ribera
Artur Carulla Font - Agrolimen
Enric Brazís Caubet - Endesa
Sonia Mulero Monroy - Fundació Banc Sabadell
Sara Puig Alsina - Fundació Puig
Alfonso Rodés Vilà - Havas
Elisa Maria Duran Montolio - Fundació "la Caixa"

The Palau in figures (2023)

747.099: Total spectators and visitors at the Palau

  • 177.626: Total spectators at concerts by the OC-PMC Foundation.
  • 294,359: Total attendees on guided tours.
  • 6,000: Total attendees at the Open Day.
  • 265,570: Total spectators at concerts by external promoters.

590: Total concerts at the Palau 

  • 294 concerts by the OC/PMC Foundation
  • 296 concerts by external promoters

The Orfeó Català-Palau de la Música Catalana Foundation